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Peter Jackson's THE HOBBIT booth at San Diego Comic-Con 2012 lenticular posters
The Hobbit lenticular posters at Comic Con 2012
SDCC 2012 The Hobbit frames at the WB booth July 15, 2012
3D Lenticular Hobbit posters on display at Comic Con 2012
"The Hobbit" Peter Jackson talks about filming the Hobbit at San Diego Comic Con
The Hobbit Exhibit at San Diego Comic Con 2012
The Hobbit - Lenticular Posters
The Hobbit Behind the Scenes - Comic Con
The Hobbit An Unexpected Journey Scroll Banner - Comic-Con 2012
The Hobbit Comic-Con 2012
Peter Jackson's 'Hobbit' Update at San Diego Comic Con
The Hobbit Finished Filming: Peter Jackson Taking Footage To Comic Con